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    Jason Returns to Lazer Gate

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    Standard Solo

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    Standard Team

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    COVID Protections at Lazer Gate

  • Targets

     Targets in the laser tag arena are small round devices that will flash when active.  If you tag them when they are active they will grant points based on the color. Targets can also be used in some game formats as recharges, power ups, or to even show where opponents are in games like Midnight…


  • Laser Tag Bases

    There are three bases in the Lazer Gate laser tag arena.  Each base is located in one of the main play areas, the Maze, The Mountain, and the Temple. In most game formats the bases are open to tag by any player and grant 2001 points when ‘destroyed’.  So, if you are able to get…


  • Contact Us

    508-730-1230 288 Plymouth Ave Fall River, Ma. 02721


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